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"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:29-31).

As each of us journey through life we discover eventually that as a reality of the vagaries of human behaviour there are three types of friends. True friends, bandwagon friends and fairweather friends. There is a difference between a truth teller and a critic. A critic drags you down to make themselves feel superior and a truth teller corrects and instructs out of a desire to see you be better.

Forgiveness doesn't mean we forget what someone did to us or that we become best friends with them. Forgiveness is about making peace with your past so you can move forward into your future. If you cannot forgive you will allow bitterness and resentment to write your story.

Leaders cannot afford to hate as it gets in the way of strategy. "No wheel moves without friction."

Monday (October 4) is budget day in Trinidad and Tobago. In the lead up to the budget there were many opinions and comments - dire predictions. COVID-19 has put the entire world to the test. It has put humanity to the test.

While the economic travails staring the twin island republic isn't the first or second and it wouldn't be the last, it has enveloped a new generation - the social media generation at that.

For all the material and technological gains and inventions and advances that humankind has made, our emotional, mental and spiritual resilience and maturity has been found wanting. Insecurities, lack of self esteem and self confidence have manifested. Driven by fear, many have lost self belief.

Sport is integral to our culture and those of us in the vineyard of sport must transform that belief into action. Service to the youth and young people through sport is immeasurable.

Old school cliches remain relevant - A rising tide lifts all boats, the real power of sport lies in the hearts and minds of the youth and young people - the football players, the athletes, the sportsmen and women.

Give people a fish and you feed them for a day, teach people to fish and feed them for a lifetime. We must teach people how to fish.

With so much anger, hate and toxicity prevalent in our country we must hold fast to the power of seeing the best in people and the belief that everyone deserves an opportunity - A leader's duty, obligation and responsibility is to make things better in particular for the vulnerable and less fortunate. We must walk the talk.

Sport is a force for good, making a positive difference and not a force for poor governance, corruption, abuse of office and to facilitate people with hidden and selfish agendas. There are many people in Trinidad and Tobago giving extraordinary energy, time and ideas to building back a better Trinidad and Tobago.

While others may have chosen the easy option - become bitter and resentful . There are patriots who remain resilient in the face of immense adversity.

Regardless of how others may behave or circumstances they display grace, dignity, forbearance and continue to be a class act. Don't crack under the pressure. Keep looking ahead, remain focused and indomitable in doing what you believe needs to be done or said even at the risk of being misunderstood or mis-characterised. They are truth tellers and true friends, changing lives for the better.

If we continue each day to be inspired to never cease working for a better, fairer and more just and equal Trinidad and Tobago. The good we do, the dreams we keep alive will continue to inspire and motivate.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" (Romans 8:28).

Rest in Peace, Jamilya Muhammad. You have been an inspiration and motivation to many. Gone too soon but we lean not on our own understanding.

Editor’s Note:

The views expressed by the writer are not necessarily those of the T&T Olympic Committee or T&T Commonwealth Games Association.
