
The 2008 TTOC Olympic Youth Camp achieved all of its objectives said Larry Romany president of the National Olympic Committee.

The 10 day non-residential camp ended last Saturday and according to Romany the 40 participants all aged between 12-16 years benefited in some way from the experience.

"We received very positive feedback from the campers and their parents.one of the things we(TTOC) must do is ensure that we build on the interaction"

Funded by Olympic Solidarity ,the TTOC Olympic Youth Camp was first held in 2003,the popularity of the camp has increased to the point where the TTOC is receiving numerous requests for the camp to be held in other parts of the country.

Responding to those requests will be difficult for the TTOC as there are financial and human resource challenges.

Romany however believes that expansion maybe achievable in three years time.

The Olympic youth camp is hosted by the TTOC Olympic Academy,Education and Culture Committee(OAEC) also known as the T&T Olympic Academy.

The Olympic Youth Camp is limited to 40 participants so as to foster an interactive environment and campers are introduced to topics as varied as ballroom dancing,art,singing,public speaking,etiquette,sports nutrition,basic exercise physiology,HIV/Aids awareness,goal setting and formulating a development plan,creative writing and Olympic history to name a few. leading local sports personalities also donate their time .