These two events are vital steps along the road to the Olympics in Rio 2016. In many countries, the work towards Rio is well underway. The TTOC is included among those national Olympic committees who have a long term planning mind-set.
With elections due in April, there is much discussion and speculation about who will form the next executive. Under the TTOC constitution, executive committee members can only serve for two consecutive terms.
Since 1997, the TTOC has adopted a forward thinking approach to its governance and strategic planning, underpinned by an adherence to good governance principles. Transparency and accountability to its membership are essential pillars. One end result to this approach is that planning for Rio 2016 is well advanced.
Best practice in Olympic Games planning demands that the time line for Olympic preparation be between 10-15 years ahead even if the host country may not be known at any particular point in time.
World class achievements including Olympic medal success is no fly by night operation. It requires planning and attention to the smallest of detail.
Patience and focus is certainly a prerequisite. It’s a long haul. Coaches, athletes and administrators must have a clear vision of the future they individually and collectively want to create, in order for the dream to become a reality and not a mere wish. It requires a huge
investment of time and energy.
Achieving world class performances and success also requires integrity. As the temptation to take short cuts are always around and ever present.
Along the arduous journey there will be distractions and many obstacles. There is always some activity or person offering a more pleasurable opportunity. It could be as simple as a drink or a lime. It could be politics, a more financially lucrative career or existence.
World class objectives require a long term vision.
Training programmes must be designed to help athletes achieve their goals and reach improved levels of achievements.
It’s about reaching your full potential. The world on a whole not just sport is a slave to technology. Technology changes daily with research throwing up new approaches at such a fast pace. At times, it is hard to keep up. Remaining on the cutting edge is not cheap.
World class ambitions are a testing environment that constantly challenges coaches, athletes and sport administrators.
There is no room for those who lack commitment and dedication. Not many people really want to make the sacrifices. They wish for success but they aren’t willing to put in the work.
The road to world class is never easy.It is in this context earlier observations were made to Rio 2016.
There is no guarantee of medals, and certainly it’s not as easy as buying a lottery ticket. It requires careful planning and a willingness to dare to believe.
There will be many critics along the way. Self-doubt will be a constant companion as the road is a lonely walk.
Sport is not a faithful companion as success is never guaranteed, but failure is for the simple reason that you can’t win all the time.
In that context what drives the willing combatant be they coach, athlete or sport administrator is the self-assurance that at the end of the day the purest satisfaction is to be able to say I did my very best and gave my heart and soul and made a positive contribution to the common good.
-Brian Lewis
Source: www.guardian.co.tt