The Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) has defended All Sport Promotions chairman Anthony Harford against damming accusations made by Sports Minister Anil Roberts.

Speaking in Parliament last Friday, Roberts accused Harford of providing incomplete and faulty accounts pertaining to $11 million in Government funding issued to the TTFF in 2011. Roberts also accused Harford of paying himself $936,250 by claiming the sum for services rendered by All Sport Promotions. Harford has vehemently denied the accusations, saying that Roberts was not telling the truth.

Yesterday, the TTFF issued a press release in which it fully corroborated Harford's account. In the release, interim TTFF president Lennox Watson asked Roberts to withdraw his accusations against Harford.

"The TTFF wishes to place on record its disappointment with the disparaging remarks made against Mr. Anthony Harford, chairman of All Sport Promotions. The TTFF engaged the services of All Sport in July 2011 with the concurrence of the Ministry of Sport," the release said. "The TTFF further confirms that it received from All Sport a full statement of accounts for the entire allocation of $11 million dollars from the Government, plus an additional $1.3 million earned from sponsors, gate receipts etc. This document was presented on January 16th 2012 to the Ministry of Sport, delivered with a cover note requesting the Ministry to provide any queries, questions or suggestions within three (3) weeks so that the accounts could be audited. The TTFF is satisfied that All Sport has received only the funds agreed and that the company has worked tirelessly to improve the standard of administration of the game, through a professional and dedicated team.

"The TTFF also acknowledges that All Sport has continued to work for the development of the Sport without further payment until the Federation's position has improved. All Sport has funded four (4) camps and travel for the National Teams in the absence of Government or other funding. In the circumstances the TTFF feels the Minister should withdraw his statement."

By Ian Prescott
