Funny how moments of despair and frustration can bring clarity. It may have been the combination of the blazing sun and a one hour and ten minute wait for YUMA to cross the savannah stage. Whatever it was, it had me questioning my sanity. The situation was made even worse when the National Carnival Commission marshal harangued Tribal Connection, the small band in which I was playing, off the stage inside of ten minutes. Later in the day while crossing the down town stage and having waited for big band Dream Time to cross the stage, another marshal bullied Tribal Connection off the stage after three minutes. Talk about big band horrors and swimming with the sharks. It was no easy task for Astil Alleyne, Gary Sealey and their Union Hall, San Fernando based band. Through it all clarity, collective will and purpose forged perseverance. Dedicated to not only authentic Indian mas but the philosophy that playing mas should not be penance. As such every decision that is made is in keeping with that philosophy and commitment. The fact that Tribal Connection ended up winning small band of the year and masqueraders had a good time is not the point of today’s column but more so the importance of standing up for what you believe in and the principles that you stand for even if others may disagree.

In the above sense sport and Carnival are kindred spirits connected as they both are with the essence and being - the soul and spirit. That they both suffer from similar disregard and disrespect may not have entered the consciousness of most people. Why is it that we seem unable or unwilling to harness the potential and opportunities that both sport and Carnival offer? Why is it that both seem destined for a similar fate? We do like to shout that our Carnival is the greatest show on earth. But is it? T&T Carnival like local sport is more participation oriented than anything else. Most locals don’t want to watch Carnival or sport. They want to play. I recall growing up in Belmont in the late 60s and 70s where many of the sport role models were active in Carnival. There has always been a connection between sport and Carnival. So it is rather profound that the same issues that bedevil local sport are holding back even destroying the product that is Carnival. Why is it that sport and the grassroots elements of Carnival seem to be struggling? Many people will suggest that Carnival and sport both need to be more business oriented.

That may be so but what aspect of Carnival or sport should be more business oriented? When you talk to the band leaders of Tribal Connection they will tell you about the spirit, history and tradition of Carnival—its ties and importance to the community. When you talk to champions in sport they mention the same thing—it’s not just about the medals or the money but about reaching deep into the recesses of your soul and striving to simply be the best that you can be. Is there a balance to be struck between being more business oriented and respecting the spirit and soul of both? If we don’t get it right someone else will. What then? In respect of Carnival, it will still be the greatest show on earth but there will be a new home. As for sport with the gloom of economic woes it’s likely that we will have to start over from scratch. There is room for the bikini and beads crowd in both carnival and sport but should it be at the expense of those who hold dear history and tradition?

-Brian Lewis
