President of the National Association of Athletics Administration of T&T (NAAA) Ephraim Serrette praised those athletes that attained personal best performances, but admitted that the T&T overall team performance was disappointing, in the just concluded World Track and Field championships which took place in Daegu, South Korea. Addressing the media during a press conference hosted by the NAAA at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva, Serrette revealed that the T&T team performance was not as successful as one would have liked, but some positive individual performances were noted and may work as a platform for an improved showing at next year’s Olympic Games in London. Serrette praised Kelly Ann Baptiste’s bronze medal in the 100-metre final. It was the first sprints medal for a woman at that level.

He outlined other commendable performances by the two youngest members of the team in Michelle-Lee Ahye who ran a personal best of 11.20 seconds in the 100m and Kai Selvon who also ran a personal best of 22.89 in the 200m. Both were semifinalists in their respective events. Serrette went on to say that, “When we look at the ages of these athletes along with Kelly Ann at 25 and Semoy (Hackett) at 22, we are not just looking at 2012 Olympics, but years beyond.” Asked to comment of the adverse statements regarding the team’s poor showing at the Games Serrette said: “While we believe that as an association we are open to public scrutiny and criticism, we only ask that these comments be fair and constructive.” Serrette went on to say that much has been said about the staging of the National Championships and that it is not necessary to rehash it all.

He, however, outlined the positives from the hosting of the National Championships saying, “We firmly maintain that the holding of the National Championships was absolutely necessary. It allowed us to fulfill our obligations to our various stakeholders, provided a measure of the readiness of the athletes. it facilitated proper team selection, and it gave T&T an opportunity to see its elite athletes compete on home soil.”  Yet, Richard’s (Thompson) performance continues to be the subject of much discussion.
Serrette concluded by saying that: “As our athletes go back to their respective training camps to start preparation for London 2012, the NAAA is looking forward to working closely with the Ministry of Sport and the Sport Company to implement our 2011/2012 operational and development plans. There is a need to create a more rigorous system for our elite athletes’ programme where accountability and reporting is concerned and we shall be discussing these issues with all stakeholders involved.” The NAAA president then thanked the Ministry of Sport and the Sport Company for their work in regard to the installing of a new track at the Hasely Crawford Stadium and the financial support both provided.
