Chief Executive, John Scott, has resigned with immediate effectGlasgow 2014, the Organising Committee for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, has announced that its Chief Executive, John Scott, has resigned with immediate effect.

David Grevemberg, the Chief Operating Officer, will take charge of the Organising Committee until a permanent Chief Executive appointment is made.

Lord Smith, Chairman of Glasgow 2014, said:

“John Scott has made an important contribution to the planning of what we believe will be an outstanding Games.

“The Board has accepted his resignation today for an error of judgement he made in accepting, and not declaring, an offer from one of Glasgow 2014’s potential Suppliers, in breach of the Organising Committee’s strict Gifts and Gratuities policy.

“I know he deeply regrets this mistake and this was a job that he loved. It is a measure of the man that he has put the values and reputation of the OC ahead of his own at this time. John was largely responsible for setting the OC’s high standards of governance and he felt he could not continue in his role as Chief Executive under the circumstances.

“Now we must look to the future. We have a great team in the Organising Committee and a strong relationship with our Games Partners. We are on track and on budget and do not intend to let the pace of our preparations drop.”