Lauryn Williams’s exploits in athletics are that of legend. A four-time Olympian, three-time Olympic medalist, and World Championship medals too numerous to list, Williams was a mainstay on the podium for over a decade.

Four-time Olympian Cleopatra Borel is the star on this edition of Talk ‘Bout Us. She joins Franka to speak about women in sport – the athletes and the journalists.

Slo­gans like “The fu­ture is fe­male,” and “Women hold up half the sky,” are just some of the words brand­ed across plac­ards and posters, as women across the globe cel­e­brat­ed In­ter­na­tion­al Women’s Day on March 8.

Clinical psychologist and consultant for the Military Community Support Service (MCSS) Dr Dianne Douglas said yesterday there is a need to increase the number of women in the Defence Force.

It was a first! The Na­tion­al Steel Sym­pho­ny or­ches­tra con­duct­ed by Dr Akua Lei­th play­ing both the pres­i­den­tial fan­fare and the na­tion­al an­them at the T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee (TTOC) 24th An­nu­al Awards cer­e­mo­ny at the Ball­room Hy­att Re­gency Ho­tel, Wright­son Road, Port-of-Spain on Sat­ur­day.

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