Less than a week af­ter throw­ing a per­son­al best at the Cay­man Is­lands Carif­ta Games 2019 of 71.45m, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Mis­sis­sip­pi fresh­man Tyriq Hors­ford in­creased that mark to 72.31m at the Na­tion­al Re­lays in Arkansas, USA con­sid­ered a warm-up meet to the NCAA Cham­pi­onships which takes place from June 5-8.

Men in TT are at risk of having prostate cancer and lung cancer. The Ministry of Health has taken on the issue of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and yesterday marked a revolution of how TT’s health sector treated with NCDs (diseases that are not easily transmitted from one person to another) especially prostate cancer in men.

POLICE have noted a new trend developing in this country where predators, in order to avoid detection and prosecution, are resorting to drugging minors who are then raped. In some cases, the rape leads to a pregnancy that the child or teen cannot explain to her parents and the police. This has led the police to issue new warnings to young girls and their parents to be extra vigilant.