The Organising Committee for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games has unveiled the masterplan for the city’s Olympic Park, following an international competition to find the best design. The winning project was chosen ahead of 60 entries from companies in 18 countries and outlines both the park’s Games-time usage and the long-term legacy it will leave for Rio.

It shows how the different areas of the Olympic Park will be used, such as where the public spaces, squares and parks will be located, and also outlines the location of the permanent and temporary venues and the future real estate developments to be built at the site.

In 2016, the Olympic Park will be at the heart of the Games, hosting the competitions for 10 Olympic sports (basketball, judo, taekwondo, wrestling, handball, hockey, tennis, cycling, aquatics and gymnastics). The Main Press Centre (MPC) and the International Broadcasting Centre (IBC) will also be built on the site.

The new permanent sports venues in the Olympic Park will be built around the existing facilities, such as the Maria Lenk Aquatic Centre, the Olympic Velodrome and the Olympic Arena. After the Games, this group of venues will form South America’s first Olympic Training Centre, helping to discover and develop sporting talent, while at least 60 per cent of the Olympic Park will be freed up for future developments.

“This is yet another step taken towards building the Rio 2016 Games legacy,” said Carlos Arthur Nuzman, President of the Rio 2016 Organising Committee. “The Olympic Park legacy for Brazilian sports will be a training centre modelled after the successful experiences of the world’s greatest sporting powers.”

August 24 - Tottenham Hotspur and Leyton Orient have been granted permission to seek a judicial review into the awarding of ownership of the Olympic Stadium to West Ham United after London 2012 - a move that a senior official here warned could have a serious impact on Britain's bid to host the 2017 World Athletics Championships.

A High Court judge ruled there are sufficient grounds for a review into the process by which West Ham were unanimously chosen as the preferred bidder to take over stewardship of the arena by the Olympic Park Legacy Committee (OPLC).

The decision throws in question London's bid to stage the World Championships, for which the deadline is September 1.

Mr Justice Collins ruled that there was an "arguable" case for a legal challenge, which can now be mounted in a new, separate procedure which could take months to resolve.

The hearing is due to be heard in the High Court on October 18 - less than a month before the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) meet to decide the venue of the 2017 World Championships, where London are facing opposition from Barcelona and Doha.

Lamine Diack, the President of the IAAF, warned here that unless London can provide cast iron guarantees about the future of the Stadium then its bid would be in serious doubt and the fear among officials is that unless the case is resolved by the time of the vote on November 11 its bids is set to fail.

"I told the [Sport and Olympics] Minister [Hugh Robertson] when I was in London earlier this month you have to make sure you have guarantees if you bid on September 1," Diack told insidethegames after the IAAF Congress here.

"If you are not sure you have then you have to defend yourselves in front of [the IAAF] Council."

Diack had previously told insidethegames during a visit to London, where he was shown around the Stadium by Sebastian Coe (pictured), that the IAAF's ruling Council would almost certainly reject a bid from London unless the future of the Stadium was secure following previous promises, including one by then Prime Minister Tony Blair, that had been broken.

The High Court has previously rejected legal moves from both Tottenham and League One club Leyton Orient, who fear they could lose supporters if West Ham move into the Olympic Stadium and begin offering cut-price tickets.

Tottenham argued that because the bid involved a £40 million ($66 million/€45 million) loan from Newham Council, West Ham had an unfair economic advantage, which amounted to "state aid".

Representing Tottenham, Dinah Rose QC, said that the future of the stadium was of "considerable public importance" as £486 million ($796 million/€552 million) of public money had been spent on building it.

"The question of what happens to it when the Games are over next summer is obviously a matter of very considerable importance as well as political sensitivity," she said.

"It is very important that the Stadium should be, and should be seen to be, lawfully disposed of after the Games are over."

The latest development means the decision-making process will now be reviewed, although the decision itself cannot, as yet, be overturned.

But if Tottenham and Orient's challenge succeeds then the whole process could have to be reopened.

Orient chairman Barry Hearn was delighted with the decision.

"The decision is a clear vindication of our determination to take legal action to right this injustice," he said.

"It is clear that the judge saw that there was a real case that the Newham loan to enable West Ham to win the bid was illegal."

Earlier this week, an independent review by forensic accountants Moore Stephens and commissioned by the OPLC concluded there was no reason to re-open the bidding process, despite allegations in The Sunday Times that a director of the agency, Dionne Knight, was paid by West Ham during the negotiations.

But Hearn believed the allegations played a part in Justice Collins' decision.

"The judge was also troubled by the fees paid by West Ham to an OPLC employee saying that this matter deserved further examination," he said.

"Along with our lawyers at Mishcon de Reya, we will continue to fight to the end to safeguard the future of our club - and if that means standing alone as the little guy against the powers that be in authority, then so be it.

"No-one has considered the impact on Leyton Orient of this move and it is not right that the legacy of what will be an amazing Olympic Games could be to put a family football club, with 130 years of history in its local community, out of business."

The battle may only just beginning, though.

Robertson has already made it known privately that if that should happen the parameters of the process will be amended so that whoever if successful they have to keep the running track in the Olympic Stadium.

Tottenham's proposal, submitted together with American entertainment giant AEG, included ripping up the track and instead redeveloping Crystal Palace as the athletics legacy of London 2012.

The decision was a dramatic end to a day that had started with Tottenham seemingly on the verge of a deal with London Mayor Boris Johnson to drop their legal case in return for financial help to move from their current ground at White Hart Lane and instead redevelop a site nearby at Northumberland Park.

Johnson had proposed to use almost half of the £20 million ($33 million/€23 million) given by the Government to rebuild riot-damaged Tottenham and Croydon to help the Premier League push through their plans for the new stadium.

Up to £8.5 million ($14 million/€9.7 million) of the money would have been used to help fund regeneration around the new stadium development, meaning that the planning application can finally go through.

Johnson also promised to use a series of incentives to help businesses relocate there which would have aided Tottenham's application.

Talks collapsed at the last minute, however, and Tottenham decided to push ahead with their request for a judicial review.

The fact it has been granted has strengthened their negotiating position with Johnson.

Baroness Margaret Ford, chair of the OPLC, remained confident despite the decision to grant a judicial review.

"We are delighted that Mr Justice Collins upheld all grounds relating to the Olympic Park Legacy Company's decision making process when recommending a preferred bidder," she said.

"We are disappointed that permission for a judicial review has been granted on some limited points but we are confident in our case."

A spokesman for Newham Council also claimed that they remained optimistic the original decision would not have to be changed.

"We note the proceedings in court today, where the Judge granted permission for a judicial review against Newham and the OPLC and others on only some of the grounds Tottenham Hotspur and Leyton Orient had raised," they said.

"This merely means that he found those grounds to be at least arguable.

"Our bid is the best in terms of guaranteeing a lasting legacy for London and the country.

"This is an ongoing legal process and it would be inappropriate to comment on these claims further at this stage."


By Duncan Mackay

altAugust 22 - There will be no bid from the United States for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics it has been officially confirmed after the seven cities which had expressed an interest in putting themselves forward were told over the weekend to forget it.

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) contacted Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York City and Tulsa to tell them that they had decided if they would miss this campaign following unsuccessful bids for the 2012 and 2016 Games.

Ever since Chicago were humiliatingly eliminated in 2009 in the first round of voting for the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics, which were awarded to Rio de Janeiro, the USOC have made it clear that they will only bid when they have repaired its international relations which have been damaged by a revenue-sharing row with the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

With an agreement with the IOC reportedly close, there had been feverish speculation earlier this month that New York City would be put forward before the deadline for 2020 closes on September 1.

Those hopes have now been dashed.

"With such little time left, we don't believe we could pull together a winning bid that could serve the Olympic and Paralympic Movement," said Patrick Sandusky, the spokesman for the USOC.

With the closing deadline fast approaching, so far the only declared bidders are Istanbul, Madrid, Rome and Tokyo after Durban last week became the latest city to rule itself out.

Doha is expected to make a decision in the next few days about whether to bid or not.


By Duncan Mackay

August 22 - Philip Beard, who played a leading role in London's successful bid to host the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, has been appointed as the new chief executive of Premier League club Queens Park Rangers, it was announced today.

Beard was the marketing and sponsorship director during London's bid, when they unexpectedly beat Paris to be awarded the Games.

He quit London 2012 shortly after they were awarded the Olympics and Paralympics to become the chief executive at The O2, formerly the Millennium Dome, and was instrumental in helping turn the arena into the world's most successful concert and music venue.

Latterly, Beard was hairman of AEG Sport and Sponsorship where he was charged with developing the company's sporting interests across Europe.

His appointment at QPR follows the takeover of the West London club last week by Malaysian Tony Fernandes, the owner of AirAsia and the principal of Formula One's Team Lotus, as its new majority shareholder and Chairman.

QPR were promoted to the Premier League at the end of last season after 15 years out of England's top division and last Saturday (August 20) recorded their first victory, winning 1-0 at Everton.

"Philip brings a long history of success in the sports industry with him to QPR," said Fernandes.

"His track record in leading teams and achieving commercial success is exemplary and I am delighted to have him on board."

Beard, who also worked with London 2012 deputy chairman Sir Keith Mills at the Air Miles loyalty programme, will be expected to work closely with QPR manager Neil Warnock to identify new signings to try to keep the club in the Premier League.

"I am utterly thrilled to be joining QPR in this hugely exciting chapter in the club's history." said Beard.

"I will be focusing on helping it become the very best Club it can be, both on and off the pitch.

"I want to ensure the best possible experience for the people who support us day in and day out – our loyal supporters."

Last November Charlie Wijeratna, who worked closely with Beard during London's bid, joined QPR's Premier League rivals Tottenham Hotspur as Executive Director with commercial responsibilities.


By Duncan Mackay

August 21 - Larry Probst, the chairman of the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), has concluded a trip to South America during which he visited Rio de Janeiro for the first time and inspected preparations for the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics.

Probst, who was accompanied by USOC chief executive Scott Blackmun and director of international relations Carolina Bayon, spent two days in the Brazilian city and held talks with Carlos Nuzman, the President of Rio 2016.

The delegation also carried out a number of site visits, including to the Maracana Stadium and flying over the city in a helicopter, and were briefed on the progress of the Games.

"I am pleased that with five years to go to the Olympic Games we could show our friends from the USOC the progress we have already accomplishe," said Nuzman.

"We are looking forward to collaborating with them through our preparations and welcoming the United States athletes in 2016."

Rio were awarded the Olympics and Paralympics in October 2009, beating Chicago, whose first round defeat triggered a period of soul-searching within the USOC and led them to conclude that they have to engage more with the international community.

"This trip was a unique opportunity for us to see all that the Rio 2016 team has accomplished in the two short years since their selection," said Probst.

"I'd like to congratulate Carlos and his staff for the extraordinary job they've done and thank them for their gracious hospitality.

"The Games are in good hands."

During the trip, the USOC group also visited Lima, Buenos Aires and Santiago.

"Continuing our focus on engaging the Olympic Movement and creating meaningful friendships around the world, we have placed a high priority on being a trusted partner within the Western Hemisphere," said Probst.

"South America is crucially important to the Olympic Movement in the years ahead and it's amazing to see the impact that sport is having all over the continent."

In Lima, Blackmun met with leadership from Peru's National Olympic Committee, including President José Quiñones and secretary general Francisco Boza.

In addition, he gathered with officials from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and toured the university's campus.

"This trip was an opportunity for us to learn from some of the smartest people in the Olympic Movement and continue to build genuine relationships within our Pan American Olympic family." said Blackmun.


By Duncan Mackay

altAugust 20 - Erica Kerner, Global Olympic Games director and head of London 2012 for Adidas, is quitting the German sports manufacturer to take up a new role in Hong Kong less than a year before the Games are due to open.

She is to join Polo Ralph Lauren in the newly created position of vice-president - marketing.

Kerner, who has been with Adidas since August 2004 and oversaw the company's sponsorship of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, is due to leave next month.

Before joining Adidas, Kerner spent 10 years with their great rivals, Nike, as director of international marketing for retail.

Her most high-profile position in that role was overseeing the team that designed and opened Niketown Store in London's Oxford Circus.

She was officially appointed to lead Adidas' Tier One sponsorship of London 2012 in January 2009.

Among her roles has been working closely with Stella McCartney as Adidas' creative director for Team GB.


By Duncan Mackay