Sports governance coaching is here

Re­cent­ly I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet with There­sa Min­nie - head of Out­reach at the IC­SA - the Gov­er­nance In­si­tute. She was vis­it­ing from the Unit­ed King­dom and here to be one of the main pre­sen­ters at a Gov­er­nance work­shop host­ed by the lo­cal arm of IC­SA. The work­shop was held at the Cham­ber of Com­merce build­ing, West­moor­ing, Port-0f-Spain re­cent­ly.

IOC Leads Way With Marketing Strategy

The Olympic Partners (TOP) programme is the highest level of Olympic sponsorship, granting category exclusive marketing rights to the Sunmer, Winter and Youth Olympic Games to a group of global partners.

Caribbean Athletes, Legal Marijuana - Managing The Risk

"Marijuana/Cannabis has deep historical, cultural and religious significance to Caribbean peoples"- Rose-Marie Belle Antoine.

We don't want to talk about it because of how it will look and what people will say. Call it what you want- ganja, joint, weed, pot, grass, herbs, marijuana or cannabis. Its on the agenda.

Build your sporting brand

Sports stake­hold­ers need to stop lament­ing about the per­ceived lack of sport spon­sor­ship from cor­po­rate T&T.

Making Effective decisions

The decision-making process is a critical aspect of sport governance. All of us make decisions every day. What to wear, what to eat, may be simple decisions depending on where you are at a particular point in your life cycle.