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Trinidad and Tobago Rugby Football Union(TTRFU) selection committee member Larry Mendez attended the first ever sevens rugby coaching course orgainized jointly by the IRB and the Pan American Sports Organization(PASO).The course held in Buenos Aires,Argentina was fully funded by PASO and the National Olympic Committees, thirty participants attended.

The countries represented were Canada (Morgan Williams, new men's coach), USA (Sue Parker, current Women's Coach), Mexico, Bermuda, Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Dutch Antilles, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Paraguay, Colombia, Saint Vincent, Argentina (new coach, Nicolas Fernandez Lobbe) and Paraguay.

Four of the coaches had no rugby coaching experience at all but, having been top class coaches for over 20 years in other sports like soccer and swimming, they were selected by their respective NOCs.

Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC)president Larry Romany is confident that PASO will work closely with the IRB in the years leading up to RIO 2016 to make sure that the Americas region develop the sevens rugby coaching intellect that will ensure that 7s rugby in PASO is at a high standard.

Recently the TTRFU with support from the Ministry of Sport secured the services of a New Zealand Technical Advisor(Murray Roulston) to work with local rugby coaches and the T&T national 7s rugby team.Roulston will initially spend three months in T&T. The T&T Olympic head said that this is an important first step.

" The local coaches and players will benefit. No amount of certification can make up for high level experience.If you are going to provide the local coaches and players with foreign support it has to be with people from one of the leading IRB Rugby nations with a verifiable track record either at the rugby world cup or professional level ." said Romany.

Romany also revealed that rugby will have to meet the TTOC's fitness criteria for upcoming multi sport games under the auspices of the TTOC.
"In 2002 and 1998 we were a bit lenient with rugby. This time all players will have to meet the TTOC fitness criteria .There will be no exceptions to the rule."added Romany


Olympian Leslie King, 59, a winner of gold and silver Pan American Games medals in the match sprint and kilometre time trial in 1971 and a Commonwealth Games silver medalist in 1970, died at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex at Mount Hope at 4.30 am on Wednesday 28 October.

Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) president Michael Romany, a former T&T Cycling Federation vice president and T&T national cycling coach has extended condolences to King's family, friends and the cycling fraternity.

“Leslie’s contribution to cycling, sport and community life in T&T is beyond question. He was never afraid to take a stand and express his point of view. He was one of the best cyclists this country has ever produced. His determination to rise above challenges and mistakes stood out."

King represented T&T at the Mexico City (68) and Munich (72) Olympic Games.

'Leslie at the height of his days as a competitive cyclist captured the attention of the country. He was charismatic and talented .His passing is a loss to cycling and sport in T&T' added Romany



Finally, Toronto is a winner, awarded the 2015 Pan Am Games on a first-ballot vote Friday.

The victory seems all the more sweet since the city and region have lost two Olympic bids, two Commonwealth Games bids in Hamilton and couldn't even get a bid for the world expo off the ground.

"Our commitment, our pledge, our undertaking, our promise is to provide you with the best Pan Am Games ever," Premier Dalton McGuinty told delegates assembled for the announcement.

"It's an exciting time for so many of us here."

Although Toronto's bid backers arrived in Mexico this week both hopeful and optimistic, arguing the city had the best technical bid, organizers were reluctant to talk about a win – fearing it might jinx our chances.

Organizers took nothing for granted from offering Canadian treats like ice cream to voting delegates of the Pan American Sports Organization to running rehearsal after rehearsal for the final presentation.

And Toronto put on an upbeat, glitzy show that opened with athletes – gymnasts, volleyball players and a tennis player – bouncing into the hotel ballroom, followed by the 60-person strong delegation led by McGuinty.

Interspersed throughout the hour-long presentation were videos from athletes across the Western hemisphere emphasizing the benefits of Toronto including the world's fastest man, Jamaica's Usain Bolt, who was in town last summer.

The final video was a moving tale of what might be – youngsters from across the Americas and Caribbean – training and growing up to compete in Toronto in 2015.

Toronto's presentation drew much applause – unlike Bogota's and Lima's which were more formal and featured wrap-up speeches from both their presidents – Colombia's Alvaro Uribe and Peru's Alan Garcia.

Politicians who spoke for Toronto's bid – which is actually a southern Ontario bid stretching from St. Catharines to Oshawa to Barrie – included McGuinty, Mayor David Miller and federal sports minister Gary Lunn.

The $2.4 billion bid – which includes $1 billion for the athletes village in the West Donlands that will include a component of affordable housing after the games – include funding commitments from Ottawa, Queen's Park and participating municipalities. Ontario is promising to cover any deficits.

The two-week games, held every four years, and open to athletes from across the Americas and the Caribbean, will bring badly needed sports infrastructure to the region.

Toronto will get a new aquatics centre with two 50-metre pools and a separate diving tank plus a high-performance sports training facility at the U of T's Scarborough campus.

Hamilton is a big winner with a new track and field stadium that will be used by the Tiger-Cats and a new indoor velodrome.

But bid chair David Peterson always insisted the games were about much more than just sport.

Winning the games helps Toronto shed its "loser mentality," but the games give governments a firm deadline to complete promised projects including transit improvements like the rail link to the Pearson airport.

Lima played the sentimental card – arguing that Peru had never hosted before, and Canada has already had the games twice before in Winnipeg in 1967 and 1999, so it was their turn. Some delegates reportedly said Lima's organizers were pulling hard on the heart strings.

But in the end, it may have been problems with the 2011 games in Guadalajara that helped put Toronto over the edge. Construction has not even begun on some of the venues, especially the all-important athletes' village, and organizers were ordered this week to put up a multi-million dollar performance bond to ensure work gets under way


In recent years Guyana has dominated 7s Rugby in the region. The current Caribbean 7s champions will be expected to mount a succesful title defence when the 2009 North America and Caribbean Region Sevens Championship gets underway in Mexico City this weekend (November 14-15).Both the men's and women's tournaments will take place simultaneously throughout the weekend. Trinidad and Tobago beaten men's finalist last year will depart T&T on Thursday for Mexico. Due to financial constraints T&T will not be represented in the women's division this year.The men's tournament will also be the regional qulifier for the 2010 Central America and Caribbean Games, The top 5 teams from the men's tournament will qualify. The number one Caribbean team will qualify for the 2010 Commonwealth Games scheduled for Delhi,India.For the visiting teams, playing at altitude will be a challenge . Mexico will fancy their chances of winning the tournament.

Trinidad and Tobago team manager Curtis Nero expects the Calypso Warriors to surmount the challenges posed by playing at altitude for the first time .

" The team selected is an experienced one. We had to make some difficult choices.But in the end I am confident that the players are up to the task.It is four years since we last held the Caribbean 7s title. Guyana and Jamaica have dominated the 7s version. We are the current 15s Riugby champs.But it is 7s that is the Olympic Sport."

Nero acknowledged that with CAC and Commonwealth Games qualification at stake. The T&T players will have to dig deep as the stakes are high

".'I believe that discipline,courage,composure and determination will be the deciding factors. Mental toughness is going to be key.Guyana,Jamaica and Mexico will fancy their chances.But no team should be discounted. Cayman Islands,Bahamas and Bermuda will be no push overs" added Nero

Trinidad and Tobago Rugby Football Union (TTRFU) president Leslie Figaro expressed his confidence in the players and the technical staff.

"Self-belief. The players have the talent and potential. The Ministry of Sport supported by bringing in Murray Roulston from New Zealand to assist Rhett CheePing( National Senior Team Coach). Rhett is unavailable due to work commitments. John Williams came in as the interim coach.The players have trained hard. I see no reason why we should not be confident."

Anton Celestine ,a member of the historic T&T U 19 team that qualified for the 2002 IRB U 19 World Championship,makes his senior team debut.

The T&T Team is:Adam Frederick(Trinidad Northern), Kidane Silverthorn(Rainbow) ,Abdeel Giles(Caribs) ,Matthew Marine(Rainbow) ,Jason Clark(Caribs) ,Felicien Guerra(Royalians/UTT) ,Kurt Quashie(Caribs) ,Kelson Figaro(Royalians/UTT) ,Andre Cabera(Caribs/UTT) ,Graeme Alkins(Caribs),Anton Celestine(Rainbow) ,Mark Hamilton(Rainbow) -
Curtis Nero – Team Manager , Murray Roulston -(New Zealand)Technical Director,John Wiliams(Caribs)-Coach Rajesh Dharrie-Maharaj (Physio)

The T&T team leave for Mexico City on Thursday 12 November and will return home on Tuesday 17 November.

On Thursday the team will assembly at the University of the West Indies (UWI) from 11am for a team meeting and light training session before heading to the airport for their scheduled 5pm departure.

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The two Trinidad and Tobago Rugby Officials appointed for the NACRA 7s in Mexico City are Paul Mowser and Larry Mendez .

Mowser will serve as a Match Official Coach . While Mendez is on the Referees and Assistant Referees panel.

The NACRA 7s is a highly coveted assignment for Caribbean officials as it affords them the opportunity to be assessed and evaluated with the prize being an assignment at high profile IRB events such as the World Seven Series.

With Rugby 7s now an Olympic Sport.Caribbean Match officials will be eyeing a call up to the CAC Games next year. Mendez ,a Police officer, is considered one of the region's brightest refereeing prospects.

A former T&T NATIONAL rugby player.The lawman was a member of the T&T 1998 and 2002 Commonwealth Games 7s Rugby team.

The two local officials are scheduled to fly to Mexico City tomorrow for the two day tournament.

NACRA 7s Panel:

Match Commissioner(s): Scott Harland (NACRA) & Tom Jones (IRB)
Judicial Officer: Bob Latham (USA)
Head Official (Referees): Bob Showan (Barbados)
Coach of Match Officials: Alan Biggs (RFU) and Paul Mowser (Trinidad & Tobago)

Referees / Assistan Referees:
George Nicholson, Karen Holmes, Romel Parris & Charlene Bakke (all Barbados), Ben Jewitt (Bermuda), Larry Mendez (Trinidad & Tobago), Nkrumah Christie (Jamaica), Camilo Falcon & Pablo Septien (Mexico), Alwin Etwah & Delroy Gordon (Guyana), Alasdair Robertson (Cayman Islands), Sam Langridge (Canada), Tom Lyons (USAA)


Trinidad and Tobago will play Mexico ,Barbados and St Lucia on Saurday when the 2009 North America and Caribbean Regional 7s Rugby Championship gets underway in Mexico City on Saturday. The Calypso Warriors will face be hoping to quaify for the championship round on Sunday.

T&T finished second to Guyana last year and will be looking to go one better this time around. But with CAC nad commonwealth Games qualifcation at stake in addition to the NACRA title. No team will have it easy. Mexico playing at home will be comfortable in the high altitude environement of Mexico City.

Guyana are the tournament favourties.

Day 1 Men's Pool MA:
Guyana, Bahamas, Cayman, Guadeloupe, Dominican Republic

Day 1 Men's Pool MB:
Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico, Barbados, St Lucia

Day 1 Men's Pool MC:
Bermuda, Jamaica, Martinique, St Vincent & Grenadines

Women's Teams (Pool W):
Mexico, Cayman, Bahamas, St Lucia, Guyana


The International Rugby Board has joined with other leading sporting Federations in celebrating the 10th anniversary of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

As one of the first International Federations to become a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code in 2004, the IRB operates a zero-tolerance policy towards the use of prohibited substances in the Game and enjoys a close working partnership with WADA to tackle doping through a successful blend of testing and outreach education.

"WADA has played a leading and defining role in the global fight against doping in sport in the last decade. Sport is now unified under one set of global anti-doping rules, promoting consistency, awareness and education. Importantly, athletes from all sports now have greater confidence that they are competing on a level playing field," said IRB Chairman Bernard Lapasset.

"The IRB believes that the introduction of the WADA Code is one of the most important developments in global sport in modern times. The Code is the very foundation upon which harmonisation in anti-doping across different sports has been achieved. This, in conjunction with the successful outreach education program, has revolutionised global anti-doping practices.

"In Rugby, over 10,000 of the top men's and women's fifteens and Sevens stars have been subject to the IRB's Keep Rugby Clean Outreach Education and Awareness Programme since the IRB implemented the Outreach Model in partnership with WADA in 2005," added Lapasset.

Such education programmes, combined with extensive testing programmes and a leading role in the fight against doping, has attracted praise from WADA. In 2007, former WADA President Dick Pound praised the IRB and Rugby for its rigorous testing programme and singled out Keep Rugby Clean as a best-practice model for other International Federations to follow.

During the period from 2004 to 2008 the IRB conducted a total of 5,128 anti-doping controls, including testing of blood samples for the first time at the sport's showcase tournament, Rugby World Cup in 2007. This programme is complimented by extensive testing by the IRB's Member Unions and National Anti-Doping Agencies.

The IRB handed down suspensions to 31 players who committed anti-doping rule violations for a variety of prohibited substances during the same period. These sanctions are in addition to 167 cases determined by Member Unions.

"The global sporting landscape is ever changing and it is important that sports all move with the times to protect the athletes, provide them with the best possible education on doping matters and make every endeavour to ensure that the fight to rid sport of doping cheats is maintained," added Lapasset.


Defending Champions Guyana were impressive on Day ONE of the 2009 North America and Caribbean Rugby Association(NACRA) 7s Rugby Championship.Guyana,Trinidad and Tobago and Martnique played unbeaten to top their respective Pools in the Men's competition.

Played in good weather and before an enthusiastic crowd at the Roberto Mendez Stadium in Mexico City. There is keen anticipation ahead of day two action tomorrow.

Results for the 2009 NACRA Men's & Women's Sevens are listed below.

Day 1 Men's Pool MA:
Guyana, Bahamas, Cayman, Guadeloupe, Dominican Republic

Day 1 Men's Pool MB:
Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico, Barbados, St Lucia

Day 1 Men's Pool MC:
Bermuda, Jamaica, Martinique, St Vincent & Grenadines

Women's Teams (Pool W):
Mexico, Cayman, Bahamas, St Lucia, Guyana


Trinidad and Tobago’s sevens rugby team stunned Mexico 31-5 to finish top of Group B and advance to the quarter-finals of the North American and Caribbean Rugby Association (NACRA) Championships currently underway in Mexico.

T&T will play Cayman Islands in quarter-final number three today.

In the final game in Pool B yesterday, the Trinidad and Tobago players were quicker off the mark, which led to the Calypso Warriors leading 19-nil at half -time. And while the Mexicans would have fancied their chances against T&T, Warriors captain Felician Guerra and his men had different ideas.

By the interval the game as a contest was more or less over.

But there is still a long way to go as the teams move from pool action to knock out action today.

Immediately after their game with Mexico, the Trinidad and Tobago squad left the Roberto Mendez Stadium for ice baths back at the their hotel base.

Yesterday, in Pool A action, defending champions Guyana looked focused and determined to retain their title, while Martinique, the Bahamas and Cayman Islands are still in with a chance of qualifying for the next round.

Today, hosts Mexico will be hoping to rebound and battle their way to the championship final and the stage is set for an exciting final day of rugby sevens as Team T&T seek to earn an automatic spot for the 2010 Central American and Caribbean (CAC) and Commonwealth Games. The NACRA Champion will also earn an automatic berth into next February's IRB World Seven Series tournament in Las Vegas.

Mexico has not left anything to chance in their effort to win this weekend's North America and Caribbean Rugby Association (NACRA) 7s Rugby championship. The Central American's have acquired the services of Dion Rameka .the New Zealander started a two year contract with the Mexican Rugby Federation in October. Mexico also visited their next door neighbours USA the week before the Championships. In addition the team trained at the Mexican Olympic Center. Where their strength and conditioning sessions was supervised by Anna Guevara’s ex trainer.


Quarter Final 1- Guyana vs Bermuda

Quarter Final 2- Bahamas vs Jamaica

Quarter Final 3-Trinidad and Tobago vs Cayman Islands

Quarter Final 4-Martinique vs Mexico


Semi Final 1- Winner QF 1 VS QF2

Semi Final 2- Winner QF 3 VS QF 4


Guyana Men won the 2009 NACRA Sevens, for the 4thh consecutive year and will represent the region at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in India alongside Canada. Not to be out done the Guyana Women retained their Caribbean Crown over the two day round robin event.

Guyana men narrowly defeated a strong Trinidad & Tobago side 12-10 in a close final at the Roberto Mendez Stadium in Mexico City yesterday. Guyana led 12-5 at the interval. T&T battled back in the second half but their second missed conversion proved the difference.

In the Plate final, Bahamas, the surprise package of the tournament defeated Martinique 28-10 while in the Bowl Final Cayman defeated Jamaica 10-7 with a last minute drop goal. In the Shield final host union defeated Bermuda 14-12 to claim the all important 5th qualification place for the 2010 CAC Games.

In the Women's Championship, Guyana proved too classy for the teams from St Lucia, Cayman, Mexico and Bahamas. St Lucia placed 2nd with host Union Mexico placing 3rd after two days of gruelling rugby in the Mexico City altitude.

Trinidad & Tobago, Bahamas, Jamaica, Cayman Islands and Mexico will join host Union Guyana as the regions representatives in the historic 2010 CAC Games Mens Sevens In Guyana.

NACRA Day 2 Men's and Women's Playing Schedule


Yesterday at the Roberto Mendez Stadium in Mexico City, Guyana won the North America and Caribbean (NACRA)7s Rugby Championship for the fourth consecutive time when they defeated reigning Caribbean 15s Rugby Champions T&T 12-10 in the championship game. In last year's edition Guyana edged T&T by an unconverted try(5-0).This time the margin was a conversion(two points).

With Rugby 7s now an Olympic Sport Guyana will reap the reward of playing at the high profile 2010 Commonwealth Games ,and IRB World Seven Series USA leg in Las Vegas. Deserving reward for their Caribbean domination of the 7s format.T&T 's disappointment ,however,will be made even more acute as two missed conversions swung the pendulum Guyana's way.

The harsh reality of international sport is that the margin of defeat oft times is left to small details.In the sport of rugby the thin line between victory and the agony of defeat hangs on the ability to get the basics of kicking right.

At one time, T&T dominated the Caribbean in both versions of the game representing the region at the1998 and 2002 Commonwealth Games .In 2004 the Calypso Warriors earned an invite to the prestigous IRB World Sevens Series USA Leg.

In those pre Olympic days.T&T's acceptance of the IRB invite was contentious as the West Indies Rugby Union(WIRU) was pushing the West Indies team concept.The fact that it was individual nations that participated in Rugby World Cup events and IOC multi sport events did not hold sway.

Times have changed since the IOCs vote last October to include Rugby 7s on the Olympic programme. The IRB is now required to create a pathway that will afford all of its member national rugby unions the opportunity to qualify for the 2016 Olympic Games.

Guyana with their slim win over T&T claimed the gilt edged prizes at stake in the new dispensation that is Olympic Sport status.T&T did not come away empty handed from Mexico City.The Calypso Warriors qualified for the 2010 Central America and Caribbean (CAC)Games.The historic inclusion of Rugby 7s on the multi sport CAC Games will debut in Guyana.

For the second straight year T&T will endure the bitter pill of losing a close 7s final to Guyana. Yet again the challenge of deep soul searching presents itself. But the battle has now started. Guyana in the Olympic sport of rugby 7s has the lead.

Trinidad and Tobago Rugby Football Union (TTRFU) president Leslie Figaro is confident that T&T will rebound.

"Murray Roulston ( Technical Advisor) is with the team in Mexico.He also assisted John Williams(interim coach)with the team's preparations. His audit , evaluation and recommendations will form the platform for our high performance programme .He arrived six weeks ago.Let us be honest. Correcting the problems requires more than six weeks. If he was here for eighteen months then it would be a different story."

Figaro said the TTRFU will not lose sight of the big picture because of the admittedly "huge" disappointment of missing out on the 2010 Commonwealth Games. " At the 2010 CAC and 2011 Pan Am Games .I strongly believe that we can podium finish. My priority right now is implementing the recommendations that Mr Roulston will make .The clarity of his analysis , constructive and mature approach is what T&T Rugby needs ." said Figaro

Figaro said that he is proud of the effort of the T&T team .

"They did not disgrace the country.You have to respect Guyana for their 7s rugby track record . They have held the crown for the last four years.The TTRFU with the support of the Ministry of Sport ,nothwithstanding the ecomomic environment, will seek to provide the T&T players and coaches with the technical support that is necessary ."

The T&T women's team,the current Caribbean 15s Champions, did not participate in Mexico City due to financial constraints.

The T&T men's team is scheduled to return home Tomorrow at


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC) president Larry Romany is disappointed that T&T failed to qualify for Rugby 7s at next year's Commonwealth Games in Delhi,India.But he believes that the lessons learned must be the catalyst for a Gold medal for T&T Rugby 7s at next year's Central American and Caribbean Games (CAC).

T&T lost - 12-10 -to Guyana in the NACRA 7s championship final last weekend in Mexico was the second straight year that Guyana beat T&T in the NACRA 7s final.

" The team narrowly missed qualifying for Delhi.But with eight months to go before the CAC.I am confident that the necessary analysis will be done and corrections made. "

Romany told that the T&T rugby team must meet the TTOC's fitness criteria.

"For the 1998 and 2002 Commonwealth Games ,the T&T rugby players struggled to meet the fitness criteria. This will not be accepted this time. Rugby has had 13 years to change its training ethic. The players on the T&T national rugby team must take personal responsibility for their fitness. If they are not willing to commit and dedicate themselves . They will not attain the required beep test score of level 14 .It is about having the discipline and mental toughness.The days of the TTOC tolerating beep test scores of level 12 and under are long gone."

He noted that the Ministry of Sport had assisted Trinidad and Tobago Rugby by bringing into the country a Technical Advisor from New Zealand( Murray Roulston).

" It is a good move. Congratulations to the Ministry and TTRFU.That is what is needed. Someone with a high level coaching and development pedigree. The TTRFU now have someone who can set up and deliver a High Performance Unit.This was lacking before. They(TTRFU) needed some one with practical elite level credentials to assist the local coaches and players."said Romany

The TTOC will hold its first fitness test on Saturday 28 November at a venue to be confirmed. Following an analysis of the test results. The TTOC will provide the sport science support needed to ensure that the fitness standards are met.


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC)has extended condolences to the family and friends of Trinidad and Tobago National Volleyball player Mark Anthony Daly who died today in a car crash on the Solomon Hochoy Highway, Chaguanas.

According to media reports,at about 10 am, Daly, was driving his green Suzuki Grand Vitara south along the highway, when he ran into the guard railing near the Endeavour flyover and he died instantly. Daly, 29, had earlier dropped off team-mates at Piarco International Airport for a flight to Jamaica, and was on his way to classes at the south campus of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT). He was a second year student pursuing for a sports degree and was due to make a presentation at UTT yesterday.

In an interview at their parents home on Coora Road, Siparia, Daly’s sister Danyela Daly-Worrell said he had decided not to fly with the volleyball team for a tournament in Jamaica because of a family commitment.

“There is a wedding in the family this weekend and he gave up his place to be with family.

“Family is very important to him,” she said. Daly lived in Carapo with his four-month-old daughter Kai Marcella and girlfriend Kecia Jones, who he planned to marry next August.

His mother Jeromina, 66, said she last spoke to him on Wednesday.

“He told me he will see me on Saturday,” she said. TT Volleyball Federation spokesman Daymian Stewart described Daly’s death as the “loss of a gem”.

He said it was “a sad day in the lives of all volleyballers, not only in TT but in the Caribbean. The TT volleyball fraternity joins the family of Mark Daly in mourning his passing,” Stewart said. Daly began his volleyball career at an early age at school then moved on to the club level with UTC Rockets , Glamorgan Volleyball Club and Technocrats and played for the national team which he captained.

“Daly was well loved on and off the court, not only earning but demanding everyone’s respect. He played volleyball with great heart and spirit and warmed the heart of everyone who met him.

He helped Technocrats become national champions last year,” Stewart said.

Daly was the volleyball nominee for WITCO Sportsman of the Year in 1999.


On Saturday November 21st 2009 history was made for Trinidad & Tobago as the Trinidad & Tobago Paralympic Committee (TTPC) was ratified as an official International Paralympic Committee (IPC) member. This took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at the IPC’s Conference and General Assembly, November 19-22, 2009. The TTPC had two delegates attend this conference, Mr. Michael Fraser, President and Miss Jennifer Wong, Technical Advisor.
Formerly known as the Paralympic Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago (PAR.O.T.T.), the TTPC is currently taking major steps to improve the variety and level of sporting opportunities for persons with disabilities in Trinidad & Tobago. Paralympic sport encompasses sporting opportunities from grass roots to elite competition for persons of different abilities, including categories for physical, hearing, visually impaired and most recently, intellectual disabilities as well. Over the past year, the TTPC has worked to align its vision, objectives and constitution with that of the IPC.
As a result of this new membership status, Trinidad and Tobago as a nation now has the ability to enter athletes in IPC sanctioned events including the Paralympic Games. These developments are only the tip of the iceberg as the TTPC will continue to develop programs with the vision of sending athletes to the Paralympic Games in London 2012 and beyond.
For more information, please contact the Trinidad and Tobago Paralympic Commitee office at 657-128 or via e-mail on
Reflecting on the IPC conference and general assembly in Malaysia, Michael Fraser, TTPC President says, “the impact of the Paralympic movement is a very powerful one that Trinidad & Tobago has yet to see. Over the next couple years we hope to make this a reality!”
For more information regarding this article please contact:
Garth Gilbert
Cell: 733-5970


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC) and Commonwealth Games Association(TTCGA) is pleased that the Sports Breakfast Meeting remains a relevant and important aspect of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

People in the Commonwealth love sport. Its values – fitness, fair play, teamwork, and the pursuit of excellence – are brings people together.

Sport can be used in conflict resolution, employment creation, poverty alleviation, social integration, health promotion, life education, environment protection, combating crime and drug abuse.

Sporting success gives dignity, pride and self-respect.The potential of sport as a tool to reach personal, community, national and international development objectives is ,however,still undervalued.

The Sports Breakfast Meeting provides the opportunity for the sharing of thoughts and ideas as to the vital role that Sport can play in the Commonwealth.It is an affirmation of Commonwealth Leaders appreciation for the role sport can play in the quest to meet sustainable development aims and objectives.

The CHOGM Sports Breakfast Meeting will be held on Saturday 28 November at the Hyatt Hotel starting at 8am.

Brian Lewis
Secretary General


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee facilitated a meeting of the Trinidad and Tobago Paralympic Committee and the first lady of Australia Ms. Therese Rein who was in Trinidad and Tobago for CHOGM over the weekend. Fresh off the heels of being officially ratified as members of the International Paralympic Committee (the IPC) the TTPC gave a good showing of their ability as Para-athletes at a brief meeting and demonstration last Saturday at the Jean Pierre Complex, Port of Spain.

Ms. Rein, who was accompanying her husband to Trinidad for the CHOGM 2009, used the opportunity to meet with the TTPC, where she was able to gain insight on its operations and sporting opportunities for persons with disabilities in Trinidad & Tobago. As a woman who is highly involved in the Paralympic Movement, both in her home country of Australia and Internationally, Ms. Rein gave an account of her personal experience with her father acquiring a physical disability as a result of a flying accident. She spoke of his involvement in Paralympic sport in Australia and at Stoke Mandeville in London in the 1940s. This story touched the members of the TTPC who were inspired and as Michael Fraser, the president of the TTPC said, “the event was a excellent way for our athlete’s to demonstrate their talents and a chance to learn from Ms. Rein’s experiences.”

The TTPC showed that they can walk the walk and not just talk the talk, by organizing a high action demonstration of wheelchair basketball and table tennis. Short testimonies were also made by three of the TTPC’s own athletes, Carlos Green, internationally recognized visually impaired powerlifter, Chantol Imes , a young swimmer from San Fernando, and long standing member, wheelchair basketball and table tennis player, Bernard Beaumont.
The TTPC recently became an official member of the International Paralympic Committee and sent two representatives to the IPC’s conference and general meeting, held during the last week of November in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The TTPC president - Michael Fraser and assistant, Canadian intern – Jennie Wong, attended the event on behalf of the TTPC.

For more information, please contact the Trinidad and Tobago Paralympic Commitee via e-mail on  or by calling the TTPC Office at 627-5744/ 624-6060


PRIME MINISTER Patrick Manning yesterday announced to a closed-door CHOGM sports breakfast meeting that he wants to bid to have this country host the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

This was revealed to reporters by chairman of the Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games 2010 in Delhi, India Suresh Kalmadi at a media briefing at Level 5, International Financial Centre (IFC) Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain.

Kalmadi said that along with TT’s bid, Nigeria and Australia are also bidding for the 2018 games.

Kalmadi expressed much pride at having New Delhi host the 2010 Commonwealth Games, saying: “in the 60 years of our Independence, this is the first time we are hosting the Commonwealth Games, so it is very special to us.”

He revealed that so far, the Indian government has spent US$2 billion to prepare for the games. He added that there will also be the creation of almost 2.5 million jobs as a result of hosting the games.

“The games are expected to create an enormous employment opportunity for close to 2.5 million jobs. Delhi will host over 100,000 tourists during the games.”

On the economic impact the games would have on India, Kalmadi estimated that between 2010 and 2012, India stands to earn approximately US$4.5 billion. “Truly, it is said a city moves ahead five to ten years when a global sports event takes place.

India will no doubt be firmly entrenched on the sports map of the world in the future,” Kalmadi said. “India is looking to further bolster trade and business relations with other Commonwealth nations via this mega sports event, through the formation of the Business Club India, which will conduct a series of events and road shows in important Commonwealth destinations coinciding with the travelling baton relay in major cities around the world,” he added.

Given the current downturn in the global economy, Kalmadi expressed no fear of a lack of sponsorship.

“We expect to pay our loans through sponsors and advertising. We are confident that we will be funded by sponsors because they have already come forward.” Commonwealth Delhi 2010 organising committee sports secretary Sindushree Khullar reassured that preparations were coming along for this major event. With respect to travelling arrangements and the addressing of the severe traffic issue that occurs in Delhi, Khullar said the games will run from June 3 to 14 and the Indian government has already declared June 14 a public holiday.

She added that they have asked all vehicle owners to leave their vehicles at home and make use of the bus and metro transportation.

With respect to security concerns, Kalmadi admitted that it was a serious concern and assured that they will be making the necessary security arrangements and anticipate that the event will be incident free.

When asked about whether or not Fiji (which has been suspended from the Commonwealth) will be allowed to participate in the games, Kalmadi said this issue was up to Michael Fennel, President of the Commonwealth Games Federation, to decide.


After failing last year to win the National 7s Rugby title- University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) Rugby 7s joined other UTT Academy of Sports and Leisure High Performance teams and scholarship athletes on the rostrum of national title holders by dethroning Rainbow Sports and Cultural Club to win the Trinidad and Tobago Rugby Football Union(TTRFU)National 7s rugby championship.

Yesterday at the Queens Park Savannah, UTT avenged their (22-14) loss to Rainbow in last year’s final by defeating Rainbow 21 -12 in an entertaining semi final encounter. The turning point in the tournament final came mid way in the second half when Harvard captain Wayne Kelly, playing in UTT colours- made one of the -if not the hardest tackle for the year on Rainbow's Anton Celestine to snuff out the defending champions momentum. Kelly's hit dislodged man from ball and head gear just as Celestine seemed set to breach the UTT try line. At that point had Rainbow scored the results may have been different.

UTT then went on to beat Stag Trinidad Northern 21-5 in the final to claim their first ever National rugby title.

The day, however, got underway under a cloud of controversy when local rugby powerhouse Caribs refused to play Rainbow in the opening game of the tournament. Reports indicate that Caribs are refusing to play new arch rivals Rainbow until a disciplinary report made against the Train Line-Marabella based Community Organisation is adjudicated on by the TTRFU Disciplinary Committee. Caribs also boycotted the Rainbow 7s.The Caribs' first team were considered a genuine title contender for the prestigious Lou Barrow Memorial Trophy

The Simone Andrews-Nero coached Aranguez Romans are the new TTRFU women’s national 7s rugby champions. Romans whipped defending champs Royalians 15-0 .However, Yamaha Caribs from Guyana played unbeaten to claim the Trinidad Enthusiasts Rugby Festival title.

A major disappointment on the day was the ruling by the TTRFU fixtures committee not to have an Under 19 competition this year opting instead to showcase the Schools Union U14 and U 17 new image non contact rugby instead. This decision forced youngsters from the national Union’s Rural and Community under 17 and 14 programmes to watch from the sidelines.

Harvard defending National Under 19 7s champs Rainbow 2nds, YTC, Royalains and Caribs 2nds comprised of mainly U 19 players. So even though they were inexplicably denied the opportunity to defend their title the youthful Harvard team -defeated YTC 10 -7 in the Plate final.


Current president of the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee Larry Romany was appointed chief operations officer of the West Indies Players Association (WIPA) during their board meeting in Barbados last week, when they also approved a 15-point plan to deal with issues arising from their discussions.

As part of its on-going action plan, WIPA approved a team of professionally-qualified experts to look at the developmental aspect of cricket throughout the region as part of the programme which was drafted following discussions about the 2009 Captains’ Reports, as well as the state of West Indies cricket.

Also discussed at the meeting were the reports on the mediation that took place in July/August and the early part of September between WIPA and the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB); the New York Agreement made between WICB and WIPA; the upcoming Special Arbitration regarding ’team rights’; and the India 2009 home series.

WIPA’s draft strategic plan was also on the table for discussion, but the main outcome of the meeting was the 15 points arrived at by the association’s board, which is comprised of Dinanath Ramnarine, Wavell Hinds, Jimmy Adams, Daren Ganga and Ian Bradshaw.

The team approved by WIPA will be in charge of (but not limited to) educational training, nutrition, technical skill, human resource, and fitness.

This committee’s mandate will also be to carry out an audit of the current structure of cricket, as well as the development programmes that currently exist in each territory and consult with the territorial boards and other key stakeholders, after which it will be asked to make recommendations on the best way forward, consistent with international standards and best practices.

The proposed members of this committee have been contacted and are expected to be announced shortly.

Other major points in WIPA’s plans include the recommendation to have the regional first class series be played over two rounds (home and away), with no less than 12 matches and played alongside the home international series.

They also view the implementation of the Cricket Academy as a matter of ’extreme urgency’, as well as the appointment of a Director of Cricket by the governing body to handle all cricketing matters.

In addition to that, WIPA insisted on a clearly-defined pathway for the development of West Indian players from the various age groups right through to international cricket.

Other points included the West Indies and regional team’s preparation ahead of any series, as well as agreement on the yearly schedule of all cricket in advance so that players are aware of their commitments and may make their playing/training arrangements.

In terms of the game in the region, the players’ body wants matches and practice sessions during the first class season to be held at venues that are used for international games or are of international standards and they want the implementation of the use of the same type of cricket balls in regional first class competitions as those used for international cricket.

WIPA also said it was essential that coaches, managers, physiotherapists, trainers, umpires and match officials are given the proper training and necessary tools for them to provide better service to the game and the incentives for those personnel be improved.

They also insisted that all teams must have a fitness trainer and physiotherapist assigned--from schoolboy to Test cricket-in addition to a coach and a manager and that players will require a properly-structured training programme that meets the individual’s needs; access to adequate training facilities, including a suitable gym and access to trainers being available 24/7.

Roger Seepersad -


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) will host its 16th Annual Gala Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 29th December, 2009 at the CASCADIA HOTEL Ballroom, at 6:00 pm, under the Patronage of His Excellency Professor George Maxwell RichardsTC, CMT, Ph.D

The following awardees will be announced:
  • Junior Sportswoman of the Year
  • Junior Sportsman of the Year
  • Sportsman of the Year
  • Sportswoman of the Year
  • Sports Personality of the Year
  • Alexander B. Chapman Award
Feature Address: Mr. Robert Riley- President, Bp TT