The Com­mon­wealth’s 53 mem­ber coun­tries have a com­bined pop­u­la­tion of over two bil­lion, and more than 60 per cent of these peo­ple are un­der 30 years of age.

Trinidad and Tobago hope their focus on youngsters will boost their chances of staging the 2021 Commonwealth Youth Games.

An inspection team is travelling to Trinidad and Tobago to inspect their bid for the 2021 Commonwealth Youth Games after completing a site visit last week to Gibraltar.

The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) and  Commonwealth Games Association of Trinidad and Tobago (CGATT) on the occasion of International Youth Day (IYD) is calling on the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic and Commonwealth Sport Movement to take urgent measures and actions to ensuring that sport on the twin Island Republic is a safe space for children, youth and young people.

Bids have been received from Gibraltar and Trinidad and Tobago for the 2021 Commonwealth Youth Games, it has been announced.